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Course Description
Lifeskills Maths is designed to be taught using real life problems to introduce topics and you will learn to develop skills and strategies to solve them. You would then consolidate your skills through practice. Lifeskills Mathematics is available at National 3, 4 and 5 levels.

It does not offer a route to Higher Mathematics.
The Course has 3 Units and an Added Value test covering aspects from the whole course.
Lifeskills Mathematics: Managing Finance and Statistics
L.O. 1 Determining a financial position, given budget information; investigating factors affecting
income; determining the best deal, given two pieces of information; converting between
currencies; investigating the impact of interest rates for savings and borrowing in a basic
L.O.2 Using statistics to investigate risk; using and presenting statistical information in diagrams; using diagrams to illustrate data; comparing data sets, using mean and range; constructing a frequency table; constructing a scattergraph; drawing a best fitting straight line on a scattergraph

Lifeskills Mathematics: Geometry and Measures

L.O. 1 Solving a basic problem involving time management; calculating a quantity based on a
related measurement; constructing a scale drawing with a given scale; planning a basic
navigation course; carrying out container packing using first-fit algorithm; investigating the
need for tolerance in a measurement.
L.O. 2 Determining the gradient of a slope; investigating a situation involving perimeter; investigating a situation involving area; investigating a situation involving volume; solving a problem involving the use of Pythagoras’ theorem; using a scale factor on the dimensions of a shape.

L.O. 1 Calculations involving: whole numbers, fractions, decimal
fractions, percentages, ratio and proportion. Collectively these calculations require
evidence of all of the following: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
L.O.2 Interpretation of a table with at least four categories of information
a chart such as a pie chart where the values are given, or a bar chart where the scale is
obvious:  a graph such as a line graph where the scale is obvious:  a diagram such as a circuit, stem and leaf, or 2D plan

Added Value Unit: Lifeskills Mathematics Test (National 4) -
The general aim of this Unit is to enable you to provide evidence of added value for the National 4 Lifeskills Mathematics. Course through successful completion of a test which will allow you to demonstrate breadth and application.
The Work of the Course
In class pupils discover, develop and practice ideas and examples from the course topics through various resources such as jotters, posters, show-me boards, group work, textbooks, IT.
At home there will be daily revision, practice of work covered in class and formal homework at fortnightly intervals (at least).
Learning Outcomes from the units are internally assessed throughout the course and awarded on a pass/fail basis.  For each unit, you must show competence in two areas – operation skills and reasoning skills.  The Value Added Unit is assessed at the end of the course by a calculator and a non calculator paper.  Unit passes can be award on an individual basis.  A full course award requires a pass in the Value Added assessment.
Possible Progression to  National 5 Lifeskills Maths